Back Classical massage


Anti-cellulite massage

Evaluation: 5, Votes: 13

Anti-cellulite massage is a special technique to influence the body to reduce and eliminate the manifestation of cellulite. Includes techniques of mechanical and reflex action on tissues in areas affected by cellulite deposits, such as pressure, friction, depression, vibration. To enhance the effect of using aromatic and massage oils, therapeutic gels and ointments. Massage from cellulite is carried out by a course consisting of 8-10 procedures. The specific number of sessions is determined depending on the location of the deposits and their stages.

What is included in the service?
  • Посещение АКВАцентра 30мин.
  • Сеанс массажа выполняют высококвалифицированные специалисты
  • Чаепитие в зоне релаксации ☕
Old price: 2300 RUB


*The SPA center has a cumulative discount system for discount cards Hotel Old Estate Hotel & SPA****

*Note! The photo is for informational purposes only and may differ from the procedure actually provided by our specialists.

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Evaluation: 5, Votes: 13,

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